Collaboration Network Analysis

A bipartite network analysis of repeated collaborations between actors and directors, investigating the impact of these relationships on the success of their films. The project involved pre-processing large datasets from IMDB. In the end, with the help of Gephi, I could visualize the complex network consisting of more than 60 000 nodes and 90 000 edges.

My work

       • Pre-processed large data (more than 25 million fields) from IMDB in R
       • Visualized the bipartite network of over 60 000 actors/directors and 90 000 collaborations
       • Performed both K-Means and Louvain method for community detection to draw conclusions
       •  Analyzed the repeated collaborations, and its effect on the success of their movies

What I learned

       • How to process and analyze large-scale data
       • Theoretical and practical knowledge about bipartite networks, scale-free networks, network metrics and community detection algorithms

Solo Project
Lead Developer
Tools Used:
RStudio, R, Gephi, external libraries (e.g. igraph)
05/2024 - 06/2024
open project
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