Ludum Dare: Game Jams
I have a strong passion for game jams, where creativity, rapid problem-solving, and collaboration come together to transform ideas into reality. These events also offer a valuable opportunity to collaborate with others and gain insights from diverse perspectives, enhancing the overall development experience. Ludum dare is an online event where each participating team has 48 hours to make a game from scratch to finish. The deadline is tight, and the competition is intense.
My work
• Developed games from scratch to finish in 72 hours in the Unity Game Engine
• Deployed web builds with the use of WebGL
What I learned
• Improved on my time management skills under pressure
• How to develop prototypes quickly
Group Project
Lead Developer
Emanuele Bruni, Shamila Boffo
Tools Used:
Unity Game Engine, C#, Microsoft Visual Studio, external libraries (e.g. Cinemachine, DoTween)
08/2018, 04/2023, 10/2024
open project